
Support related questions. If we left out something let us know and we will add it!

What's the response time? For our support service, we strive to provide timely responses to our users' inquiries. However, please note that response time may vary depending on the volume of inquiries we receive and the complexity of the issue. Our team will do our best to respond to your inquiry as soon as possible and provide you with a resolution to your issue. On average, our support team responds within 4-7 hours or less. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

How effective is Akira support? Akira support strives to provide prompt and effective assistance to its users. The support team is composed of knowledgeable and experienced individuals who are dedicated to addressing any issues or concerns that users may have. The effectiveness of the support service depends on the complexity of the issue and the level of communication from the user. However, Akira is committed to providing timely and comprehensive support to ensure the satisfaction of its users. Additionally, Akira takes all complaints seriously and has a zero-tolerance policy for any unprofessional behaviour from our staff members. If you have a complaint about the conduct of one of our team members, please let us know, and we will take appropriate and serious action to address the issue. We value our users' trust and strive to maintain a professional and respectful environment for all interactions with our support team.

Could I apply to be Staff? (Support Service) To apply for a staff position at Akira, please contact us through our Discord server, we have staff applications open, you can submit your application and qualifications trough our google form. We will review all applications and reach out to qualified candidates. Please note that we are looking for individuals who are experienced, responsible, and dedicated to providing excellent support and service to our users.

Last updated